LaserGas ™ R2P

NEO Monitors LaserGas™ is using Tuneable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TLAS) i.e. a non-contact optical measurement method employing solid-state laser sources. Therefore, the sensor remains unaffected by contaminants and corrosives and does not require regular maintenance. The laser beam is coupled into a measurement cell, where it is reflected one time from a flat mirror in order to enhance the analyzer sensitivity. The R2P Monitor employs a measurement cell concept to combine extractive measurement with a compact analyzer design.

The measurement path length will enhance the detection limit. Heated and nonheated cells are available. To avoid fouling of optical parts in the measurement cell the cleanliness of the sample gas must be ensured. Filtering the sample gas in an appropriate extractive system may be required for some applications..


•Short response time
•Low detection limits (ppm for most gases)
•No interference from background gases
•Stable calibration
• No zero drift
•Offline gas analysis in controlled environment
•Rack Mounted