LaserGas ™ II SP Compact

NEO Monitors LaserGas™ is using Tuneable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TLAS) i.e a non-contact optical measurement method employing solid-state laser sources. The sensor remains unaffected by contaminants and corrosives and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time.

Derived from the standard Single Path instrument, SP Compact Monitors are optimized for short distance measurement in the range 10 to 100 centimeters.

The Monitors feature a focused laser beam, which enables the instrument to measure through very thin nozzles ( < 10 mm diameter). For applications with continuous purge to prevent dust on the analyser lens, the SP Compact requires very small purge flow. With optional internal desiccants these monitors can also be optimized for in-situ measurement of trace levels of atmospheric gases (O2 and H2O).

The LaserGas™ II SP Compact Monitor consists of a transmitter / receiver unit (mounted diametrically opposite each other) to measure the average gas concentration along the optical line-of-sight.


•Response time down to 1 second
•No gas sampling: In-situ measurement
•No interference from background gases
•No moving parts, no consumables
• Optimised for very short distance measurements across pipes and along short cells
•Integrated span check option available
•Compact design
•No zero drift
•Stable calibration